
Sunday, September 20, 2020

ySense: $149 profit in 24 hours…

ySense: $149 profit in 24 hours… by ySensePosted onJuly 27, 2020 Today we’re sharing how one of our ySense members from the UK (MLivePro) who was able to earn $149 profit by completing this one ySense Offer! If the offer is live in your country, follow his lead and you could find yourself $149 better off by tomorrow too! The original post is over on the ySense blog and can be viewed via the link below. Note – you’ll need to first log in to the ySense blog, then copy and paste this link straight into your browser: So let’s hear from MLivePro and how he earnt so much in such a short time on ySense… MLivePro: “Last night I took a chance and tried the Bitcoin Trader offer. I was sceptical, but the fact the offer was on here reassured me a fair bit. Then on signing up to the site the offer linked to, it was literally 2 minutes before I got a phone call from the company. They talked through the deposit process, and even told me not to trade until a manager called me, which happened today. The offer here (in the UK) was to earn US$350 in my ySense account for depositing UK£200 into the Bitcoin Trading site. However I had to deposit US$250 which got converted into Russian Rubles during the payment process then converted back to US$ on the site. All the time I was thinking I’d have to raise a dispute with the bank in case it was a scam… but no… Within two hours, my ySense account was credited with the $350…. and as I had completed the daily checklist I got a $49 bonus!! $149 profit!! Proof of Payment from MLivePro’s Transaction History